Making a Boutique Style Hair Bow seems difficult but actually is not! This tutorial is really easy and no-sew technique is needed. Once you know the way and it only takes you about 15 minutes.
Ribbon Type: Grosgrain Ribbon 5/8inch
Ribbon Length: 45cm

1) Holding one end of the ribbon and loop it down to the center.
2) Do the same for the second loop, the ribbon need to overlap and meet at the center.
3) In making a first and second loop, it is the same as making the long tail hair bow.

4) Keep holding the center of the ribbon with your fingers.
5) The third loop come up and put underneath the tail.
6) The forth loop come up and curl on the top, meet at the center.
7) Adjust the loops and make sure they are even.

8) Up-side-down the bow so that the tail should be down.
9) Make the three fold crease at the center.
10) Using the thread or embroidery floss, wrap the center of bow several times and tied knots at the back to secure the bow.
11) Cut the excess thread.
12) Do an angle cut of both ends of ribbons.
13) Using a lighter, heat seal both ends so that they don't fray.
14) Prepare a smaller ribbon and wrap it around the center of the bow by using hot glue gun.

15) Congratulation! You make your own style boutique bow. Now you can add it to the headband or clip, to accessorize your child's hair.

16) More advise:
The boutique bow is quite big while using a ribbon width 1-1/2inch, I sugguest to slide the hair clip or a large salon clip down the center, it is more easy to adjust the loops or make the crease.
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